Depression can be considered the “I don’t feel like it” disorder, especially if you’re trying to do something out of your comfort zone.
If you are challenged by excess anxiety, OCD, or disordered eating, it’s not unusual for you to also be depressed. Your world has likely shrunk due to your symptoms — and that can certainly contribute to chronic low mood. The good news is, as you work with your therapist to expand your life, your mood will likely improve naturally. And if you need some assistance to move out of depression, we can help.
At CBT Solutions, we use an evidence-based treatment called Behavioral Activation. Depression can be thought of like a train that has slowed down, maybe even rusted and stopped. Behavioral activation helps to get you going, one doable step at a time, with activities that increase both your pleasure and competency. At first, it may require effort, and individual activities may not increase your mood much. But over time, and with your therapist’s encouragement, before you know it you are moving with momentum, engaged in life again and reaping the rewards of an expanded life.